Wednesday 3 December 2014

Terminate a specific service

Equipment and SIM cards. May concludes an agreement for the supply of equipment by the Contractor. In this case it is Agreement applies recharge api to the purchase by Contractor Equipment.

The equipment is the property of Contractor from the time when delivery takes place. Is also from this point the responsibility for Equipment at the Contractor and he carries the risk of loss or damage, unless this is due to negligence. Contractor shall submit internet to provide adequate security for its use of Equipment from unauthorized use by third parties.

If the equipment recharge api is supplied by another party then, this provision is not part of the obligations of in this Agreement. Is not liable for direct or indirect online recharge free damage caused by the failure or malfunction of equipment or shorting in the delivery thereof. Contractor may not sell equipment, transfer, lease or otherwise dispose of before the purchase price paid to.

If equipment to Contractor a can not guarantee the availability of certain types of equipment b reserves the right to online recharge free change the equipment at recharge api any time, extend or from the market take c does not guarantee the equipment at any time is available d can its services with third parties help. SIM cards remain the property of.

Contractor should carefully with the SIM cards to go and protect it as well as possible against unauthorized access, damage and theft.

In case of theft or loss of the SIM cards and related mobile devices Contractor usage based fee which covers the period prior to the blockage. All costs associated with blocking, disconnecting and reconnecting to the network shall be borne by Contractor. If there is any possible abuse recharge api by one or more SIM cards than entitled all Connections without closing notice.

The technical characteristics of the Service and or the Network may be modified by. will thereby temporarily limit without cause or discontinue the Service. In the recharge api event of termination, withdrawal or amendment of the license that is required for the construction.

Management and the operation of the mobile network, or if operational, technical or economic reasons to do so require or if delivery of the Service or a specific service infringes on the rights of a Third, is entitled Supplementary Service or ply a notice period of one month.

For the purpose of maintenance or conservation of the Service may temporary part of Network shutdown. Will any interruption of the Service timely disclose in advance, except for short or limited interruptions, with a general or specific disclosure of can not reasonably be required. Contractor shall be required to provide online recharge free information to need to conserve the connection s.

If a fault occurs in the operation of the connection s, or by the failure, on behalf of the Contractor as soon recharge api as possible be reported to. Use of the Service Contractor is responsible for all use made of the connections, even if this is done without his consent.

Addition to these Conditions

Popular mobile media applications such as gaming and social media only little used or incorporated by heritage institutions in their recharge zone mobile services. The possibility to make use of the service with the appropriate SIM card.

Additional Terms Conditions for a specific service or a special offer of the Service that are in and other contract documents which an integral part of the Agreement forms.

Equipment Any device, including its software or documentation that sold to a Contractor and which the Agreement or any other agreement between the parties, apply and/ or device, including related software or documentation used by or on behalf of the Contractor.

Contractor A natural person aged or older or entity with whom a contract for delivery of the Service s entered. Service or Mobile Service The Service is described in recharge api the applicable contract documents referred to in the definition of Agreement.

Minimum Order The minimum number of connections that the Contractor within one month after the entry into force of the Agreement will increase and any number Contractor guarantees to maintain for the duration of the Agreement. Network The specific mobile network which the Service s offered and which network access is provided recharge zone to all or a portion of the whole of the networks.

Agreement The set of contract documents, namely the Master Agreement, the General Conditions, the Order and any additional order forms, additional terms and the Master Agreement declared recharge api applicable attachments.

SIM card Subscriber Identity Module card, the chip card which, after placement in the Equipment Contractor allows making use of the mobile terminal. Medications BV located in. These Terms and Conditions apply to all services which they are recharge api declared applicable.

For a Service Additional Terms may apply. Rejects any reference to other recharge api general Conditions, however named, hereby explicitly of the hand. This referral to the General Conditions of will be considered as recharge zone the first reference.

If consents to the provision of additional services required by the Contractor, then the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall apply to the Agreement in respect of provided recharge api additional services. The General Conditions and the Tariffs may be changed by. The changes take operation four weeks after publication, or on a later date on the notice.

If a Contractor adversely affecting change is not accepted, he may terminate the Agreement in writing with effect from the date which go into the new conditions. The recharge zone notice must be before the effective date of the change to have recharge api been received.

Parties may amend or supplement the Convention by means recharge zone of a written amendment, which by Parties will need to be signed before the amendment or addition will have legal force. The formation, duration and termination of the recharge api Agreement. There is an agreement if one or more Connections runs.

Obligation to pay damages

That happens only when features a fully plated and signed recharge api and a copy of the required ID. Contractor is not entitled to a PO Box as online recharge zone an address to give up. A recent copy of the registration with the Chamber of mere not older than six months must also be given to. Should perform a risk analysis.

If believes that the out does not meet its requirements, has four recharge api not required to run the Connection. The out of the risk assessment can also lead to online recharge zone limits on the use of the Service.

Subject to Article the Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature by online recharge zone both Parties and is entered into for an indefinite period. The Agreement shall terminate if all contracts for recharge api Connections and all contracts for Bundle Services are terminated belong to the Agreement.

The agreement for a Connection is entered into by signing the Order by both Parties against the then current Terms and Conditions, Tariffs and/ or Additional Terms. Agreement for a Connection is entered into for the minimum period per connection as mentioned in the Order Form Minimum Period.

It is specified in the Order No Minimum Period is Minimum Period per Connection recharge api twelve months. Minimum Period fences on the date on which the Connector s in use/ be visioning Date.

After the Minimum Period has expired, the period that each connection is activated, automatically renewed for successive one year period, unless the parties jointly agreed otherwise by a signed renewal offer, or that one of the parties to the connector s terminates writing observance of a notice period of three months. If, for any reason, one or more connections are terminated before the visioning Date, then the Contracting Party may no rights to the benefit of this connection s agreed discount.

If Contractor discount, for this Connector s already received has, is entitled to recover these discount Contractor. The Contractor a file for bankruptcy, is declared bankrupt, goes into administration, a request for suspension recharge api of payment or seizure of all or part of its assets is placed or b Only by force of law.

The Agreement to fulfill its obligations towards or not entirely fulfill or c fails to pay an invoice amount or part thereof within the specified period or d then passes or decides to strike or transfers his any or an important part thereof, including understood the contribution of his any in a prospective or existing any proceeds.

Decree amending the aim of its business, or to dissolve has the right, without any and without prejudice to its future rights, such as rights relating to overdue fines or interest recharge api and the online recharge zone right to sensation, and without that notice or judicial intervention being required.

To partially or lately terminate Agreement by a recharge api written announcement to Contractor terminate the provision of the Service with immediate effect and/ or Any amount payable by the Contractor to demand immediate in its entirety.

Connectivity and GPS

Other location based applications show interesting spots points of interest such as monuments or buildings on a Google map. The user as to the place navigate to where he/ she can recharge api then view the content recharge it now and/ or listen to. Due to the Numbering or to establish a certain order, you can create tours.

Location based applications can also recharge it now offers content that is related to the direct environment of the user. For example, there may be pictures presented in an image database be made in the street where the user is located. The most basic location recharge api based application is the possibility to navigate the user to the setting.

In addition to location based applications, there are mobile services which presented content without affecting the location of the user plays a role in this. This content based applications are recharge api emphatically not the opposite of location based applications.

Because in location based applications, the content is important will in this case only say that the focus of the service is located on the content. Pure content based applications without location based elements form a small minority.

Most location based services contain elements that are content based, as a selection of photographs of pieces from the collection. Multimedia tours institution are basically also content based, because they do not use GPS.

But you can argue that the user location does matter here though, because this is for example, must be in a collection piece to allow the information to full advantage e.

These examples indicate that recharge api the mobile services will let categorize tricky, but also that they are very flexible in terms of possibilities. In both location and content based applications can play elements, social media and user generated content UGC play a role. That little happens, is surprising.

Mobile media are by their connectivity and built in cameras suited for the manufacture of UGC, yet this is possible only three services. Gaming st and social media use rd are among the most popular services on the mobile media.

Yet these are very few integrated into the mobile heritage services Almost half of the mobile heritage service is currently only for Apple Products offered. Half of the mobile heritage services has a target range that is greater than the group of iPhone owners.

Text, photos and videos are often reused and are also available on the mobile service corresponding website. Especially for the Audio is usually mobile service manufactures. Internet recharge it now are by far the most of the available used technologies.

Most services are in more or less location based but contain content based elements services include turn recharge it now often location based elements. In general, multiple applications in a single unified mobile service. This let the mobile services is recharge api difficult to categorize, but this testifies however the flexibility of the cell media and their capabilities.

Mobile services use GPS

Finally, respondents almost unanimously responded positively to whether they plan in the future to provide more services for mobile recharge deals media. Only one respondent indicated that they do not know this yet. FEATURES In the study of the properties of the mobile services is looked at the re use of various forms of media text, pictures, audio and video, used to techniques and to the application of the mobile service.

Media Form From the study of the content of the mobile services, it appears that especially text, images, and recharge api video are reused within the service or the media with a corresponding website to be shared. The ratio of new media/ reuse is in favor of reuse. Especially images are recharge api often reused.

It also happens regularly that a bi nation of newly developed and existing media used. There are several reasons to recharge deals reuse media. Thus, in the case of an image database logical that no new images are created, the image library indeed exists already Another reason is recharge deals cost.

If your media reused you do not have to re pay for the production. Is a special case of audio. Audio is often created specifically for mobile services, because it is mainly used as audio recharge deals tour or to add elements to the mobile audio tour service.

The audio is thus bound to the use of the mobile device and therefore does not easily qualify for re use recharge deals on a website. Technique Internet connections and the GPS functionality are by far the most used techniques. The other techniques studied in this survey DEN camera, pass and are much recharge api less used.

Only augmented reality layers using all available technologies. Native applications use the Internet primarily to stream media so that the user does not need to download all the content in one go. For downloading at once of all content you must take into account the size of the file an application of several hundreds of megabytes, for example, is not well suited for on a G connection to download.

The downside of offering streaming media is that when large amounts of data are consumed this can cost the user money, for example, when he/ she goes on the data limit. It is also important that there for applications that are intended to use on location recharge recharge api api a reliable Internet connection G or WiFi is available. Many to determine the users' location.

To Following the location, you can offer the user relevant information. The degree of integration of GPS varies. For the correct display of augmented reality layers is a GPS signal essential, but many other applications within the service offer the possibility of For example, a tour or interesting places in the neighborhood.

The mobile services for and recharge deals developed by heritage institutions are divided into location based and recharge api content based applications here definitely a gray area between located. Within the two forms can play elements, user generated content and social media to a greater or lesser extent.

To play a role applications by means of recharge api making use of the GPS location of the user and connect to the content. That way you can get the user content that is relevant to the place where he or she resides.

One of the most Mon location based applications, augmented recharge api reality layers. Allows the user by the camera of the mobile device to focus on the outside world, a low see information about the area on the screen.

Augmented reality layers

From the above figures can be drawn two conclusions. The most important is that the group iPhone owners the advantage in terms of the availability of mobile heritage services, they may use of the services. Including there are mobile services for multiple platforms are available and thus have a relatively large target range.

The mobile websites and web applications are available in principle to all mobile media, other services for online recharge deals the major operating systems is, Android, and. REACTIONS FROM PRACTICE Following the inventory DEN sent to some institutions, organizations and developers a questionnaire regarding the development of the mobile service.

A recharge api Summary of responses For most institutions and developers was the motivation behind the decision to develop a mobile service, the desire to online recharge deals make use of the specific features that mobile media entail.

Which almost always resulted in a location based service or a multimedia tour by the institution. A motivation was the desire to want to go with the times. The initiative to develop a truly mobile service came in second all respondents from the organization.

Only one respondent indicated that they by recharge api developer approached and that the initiative does not lay with them. The motivation for the choice of a specific platform for the mobile service often a practical, albeit for different reasons.

Answers given were that platform was dominant when the project was initiated, was the only one that what was needed, it was easy recharge api to develop for, there was no money for multiple platforms.

What is striking is that platform independence only once as motivation is specified. Thinking and advise are only used words in the answers to the question the recharge api role that the developer has played in the final technical implementation of the mobile service.

Nobody cares that the developer is leading herein been, but some do indicate that the developer has a big recharge api role played.

The role of the developer has, outside the development in itself, especially limited to viewing or wishes were achievable and on that basis advice release. The problems one encounters in was to develop the services so diverse as the services themselves.

Inaccurate GPS, abundance of content, an initially to Alex interface and log in problems of the application at the Apple App Store here are just a few examples.

When asked whether the mobile service reaches the predetermined target is the answer in half of the cases yes. The other half of the respondents stated that the service is too short available to answer here to give. This is also reflected in online recharge deals the responses to the question of the extent of use.

This usually indicates satisfaction, but also here indicated that there is little useful information recharge api about available.

Technology boost charging at home

For further stretch our algorithm can determine the optimal charging process. Naturally, it is intended to integrate this technology in chargers, so that a system does everything by itself. Between one and two years Peter Notes and abroad to present everywhere and are experiencing great interest.

From very large parties, he added on to state, with a sense of understatement. Philips itself is one of the interested parties. Together with Philips Semiconductors we will sort one the next time develop demonstration models, as a precursor of recharge api the new chip to be subsequently developed.

For such chips is a huge market, for example, in the telephone industry, but We may also issue licenses for the use of the patent. How quickly this development will lead to concrete results can not tell exactly. He suspects somewhere between one and two years.

It also depends on developments in the electrode materials. The major driving force in the battery industry is to make batteries with increasing energy density, which are getting cheaper preferably. In other EET project have recently developed a new electrode material for the current nickel metal, making it five times to store as much energy.

There still needs much further research to take place, but it shows how strong the world is in motion. In the meantime we for our algorithms and systems boost charging work such new types of batteries on the market, we can then responsive, recharge api but that takes quite a while.

Of national economic significance Apart from the system of easy online recharge boost charging the rest of the EET project will end not lead to concrete market results, thinks Rotten.

There's still a followup program required. We hope recharge api by that time to be easy online recharge able to rely on the system Innovation Subsidy for Collaborative or other arrangement that both our projects can support. This involves much more than just the interest of Philips or other parties involved.

Before these projects were launched, was the expertise in the Netherlands in the field of rechargeable batteries very low. Now we are at the world. Conservation of the current recharge api cluster is of national economic significance.

A large part of the mobile services has been found by independent research, other services are delivered after a call to the blog and Twitter DEN. On some services was rejected by the managing institutions, in other cases there were others tips or developers.

By recharge api a lack of literature on this easy online recharge topic was the relatively young independent investigation forced the use of search engines and search functions the websites of numerous institutions and developers.

The found recharge api services have been studied with the aid of the necessary mobile devices, know an Android smart phone, an iPhone and an iPad. The use of other platforms Blackberry, was not necessary easy online recharge because there are no services were found for only these platforms are available.