Wednesday 3 December 2014

Augmented reality layers

From the above figures can be drawn two conclusions. The most important is that the group iPhone owners the advantage in terms of the availability of mobile heritage services, they may use of the services. Including there are mobile services for multiple platforms are available and thus have a relatively large target range.

The mobile websites and web applications are available in principle to all mobile media, other services for online recharge deals the major operating systems is, Android, and. REACTIONS FROM PRACTICE Following the inventory DEN sent to some institutions, organizations and developers a questionnaire regarding the development of the mobile service.

A recharge api Summary of responses For most institutions and developers was the motivation behind the decision to develop a mobile service, the desire to online recharge deals make use of the specific features that mobile media entail.

Which almost always resulted in a location based service or a multimedia tour by the institution. A motivation was the desire to want to go with the times. The initiative to develop a truly mobile service came in second all respondents from the organization.

Only one respondent indicated that they by recharge api developer approached and that the initiative does not lay with them. The motivation for the choice of a specific platform for the mobile service often a practical, albeit for different reasons.

Answers given were that platform was dominant when the project was initiated, was the only one that what was needed, it was easy recharge api to develop for, there was no money for multiple platforms.

What is striking is that platform independence only once as motivation is specified. Thinking and advise are only used words in the answers to the question the recharge api role that the developer has played in the final technical implementation of the mobile service.

Nobody cares that the developer is leading herein been, but some do indicate that the developer has a big recharge api role played.

The role of the developer has, outside the development in itself, especially limited to viewing or wishes were achievable and on that basis advice release. The problems one encounters in was to develop the services so diverse as the services themselves.

Inaccurate GPS, abundance of content, an initially to Alex interface and log in problems of the application at the Apple App Store here are just a few examples.

When asked whether the mobile service reaches the predetermined target is the answer in half of the cases yes. The other half of the respondents stated that the service is too short available to answer here to give. This is also reflected in online recharge deals the responses to the question of the extent of use.

This usually indicates satisfaction, but also here indicated that there is little useful information recharge api about available.

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